Section: Application Domains

Application domains of NLP and Computational Humanities

ALMAnaCH's research areas cover Natural Language Processing (nowadays recognised as a sub-domain of Artificial Intelligence) and Digital Humanities. Application domains are therefore numerous, as witnessed by ALMAnaCH's multiple academic and industrial collaborations, for which see the relevant sections. Examples of application domains include:

  • Information extraction, information retreival, text mining (ex.: opinion surveys)

  • Text generation, text simplification, automatic summarisation

  • Spelling correction (writing aid, post-OCR, normalisation of noisy/non-canonical texts)

  • Machine translation, computer-aided translation

  • Chatbots, conversational agents, question answering systems

  • Medical applications (early diagnosis, language-based medical monitoring...)

  • Applications in linguistics (modelling languages and their evolution, sociolinguistic studies...)

  • Digital humanities (exploitation of text documents, for instance in historical research)